The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I now live in a small town near where I spent my childhood. After 40 years in the Columbus, Ohio area, I returned to Union City in 2000. I was able to purchase the small farm where I was born and spent my first 13 years. It is only 4 miles from where I live and I spend most of my time there. I live by myself and my children and stepchildren are scattered around the U.S. This leaves me great freedom to come and go as I please. I spend a month or so visiting with my family during the year. I usually take 3 or so trips by motorcycle each year including motorcycle rallies, races and visiting friends and family around the U.S. Today was spent moving dirt with the skidloader from an old barn site to a low spot in the cornfield. The wind took the barn down last year and I disassembled it and am using much of the material to remodel my remaining barn. I have six 5 gallon buckets of old nails for the scrap dealer. Obviously, I am still able and enjoy working. I have been fortunate to be able to take motorcycle trips to New Zealand, Great Britain, the Isle of Man, South Africa, the Alps (2X) and most of the U.S. Life has been and, to this point, still is great. I occasionally go to the Williamsport area to visit friends and sometimes drop down through the State College area as I have fond memories of the friends and good times of my year spent there.